Tagged: Progressive Commercial

Progressive Stair Renovation Commercial Song

Progressive rolls out a new comedic ad titled “Nothing But Stares,” featuring Isaac, a teenage boy gearing up to pick up his girlfriend, Gabby, for prom night. The scene unfolds as Isaac is warmly greeted by Gabby’s father in the hallway, who proudly...

Progressive Jamie as Getaway Driver Commercial

In one of Progressive’s recent commercials, Jamie takes on the role of a getaway driver for a group of cat burglars. The scene unfolds as the burglars hurriedly exit a Firstwell Savings & Trust branch, alarms blaring in the background. Flo’s colleague is...

Progressive Mara’s Parents Commercial

Progressive has released a new commercial to promote its motorcycle insurance. The spot opens with Flo asking Mara if she is sure she doesn’t want to go bowling later that day, with her and the rest of the crew. Looking at her phone,...

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