Title: Turkish Airlines – Batman v Superman
Msg: Turkish Airlines – Widen Your World
HP: “Turkish Airlines already fly to more countries than any other airline. And now, as official airline partner of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, we also fly to Gotham City. See the TV spot featuring Bruce Wayne”.
HT: #FlyToGotham
Turkish Airlines is the airline that flies to more countries than any other. Turkish Airlines is pleased to announce a new destination: Gotham City.
A city that’s risen above its past to become a thriving urban centre. Thanks to a significant grant from my company, Wayne Enterprises, Gotham is being restored to its former glory. From the legendary Gotham Opera House to the night life of the new Bowery, take a trip to a city that never stops.
Discover why Gotham City is great again. And who knows? You might even catch a glimpse of a local celebrity. It has never been a better time to visit our great city. So book your flight now on Turkish Airlines.