Microsoft 3D Christmas Commercial Song – Girl and 3D Creatures in Space

Microsoft 3D Christmas Commercial - Paint 3D and Remix 3D

Microsoft has launched its Christmas commercial, showing us that “When are are inclusive and celebrate our differences, we can make the world a better place”.

The protagonist of the 60-second spot, titled “3D Holiday”, is a young girl who, accompanied by her little friend Gabe the Yeti, embarks on an imaginary journey through space, where she meets a variety of characters in need of a little love and support. A tree-eyed pink creature, upset for having three eyes and not being like everyone else, is brought a smile by Gabe the Yeti, who puts something on his head to make it seem he had three eyes, too, a melting snowman is saved by a pig that opens up an umbrella, keeping thus the sunlight away, a crippled mouse, an octopus and other beings (all inspired by those available on Remix 3D, a community site for sharing and evolving creations) are also seen throughout the ad, joining the girl and Gabe and celebrating then all together their differences on a very small planet, while in the background Rachel Platten’s single “Better Place”, from her 2016 album “Wildfire”, is playing.

The commercial, concluding with the tagline “Create a better world”, also features Paint 3D, a creativity app available on all Windows 10 PCs, and Remix 3D, which it turns out is used by the girl on her tablet to create the 3D characters.

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