T-Mobile LeJuan James Family Photo Commercial Song

T-Mobile LeJuan James Commercial - Family Photo

T-Mobile has enlisted social media influencer, comedian, and content creator LeJuan James to star in a new commercial for the company.

The spot features James using some holiday magenta magic to get the whole family together for a holiday photo, thanks to T-Mobile’s nationwide 5G network. At first, his grandmother asks him to fix his collar and show off his pretty smile so that she could take a photo of him, but he comes up with another idea. “I think we could make it even better with a little help from T-Mobile,” says James, who is shown having a video call with the whole family. He asks them to smile and snaps a picture which he then puts on the fridge.

“A picture perfect celebration. On our 5G nationwide network” onscreen lines read at the end of the commercial, when an instrumental arrangement of the traditional Christmas carol “Jingle Bells” plays.

In a previous commercial, which ran in Spanish, LeJuan James co-starred with his real mother, who put the 5G network to the test.

T-Mobile, which seeks to build on its momentum with young Latinx consumers, said there will be more social posts and TV commercials featuring LeJuan James in the months ahead.

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