Pampers UK has launched a new ad campaign, titled “The Power of Babies” and created by Pamper and Saatchi & Saatchi London, to mark the launch of its Preemie Protection nappies for premature babies, who are presented as “little fighters”.
The 60-second spot “Little Fighters”, filmed in the Neonatal Unit of Southampton Hospital, features deeply touching moments from the lives of real families and their premature babies, from the moment they meet for the first time to their journey home.
“Every day is a fight when you arrive early and we’re proud to be in your corner” – is the message conveyed by Pampers, whose commitment to help every baby’s happy, healthy development has translated into the launch of Premium Protection nappies, “designed for even the smallest babies”, to meet their specific needs.
Designed to minimise disruption to help with sleep, positioning and medical care for premature babies, Pampers Premium Protection nappies coming in size P3 are three sizes smaller than a regular newborn nappy and suitable for babies weighing less than 1.8lbs (800g).
The song used in the ad is an emotional cover of “Coming Home” (originally by Diddi – Dirty Money feat. Skylar Grey), performed by a female singer.
As part of the Power of Babies campaign, Pampers has partnered with the UK’s leading charity for premature babies,
Bliss, to help support the little fighters and their families, and will be donating three million to neonatal units in the UK & Ireland.