Samsung Galaxy S7 Commercial – Dreams

Samsung Galaxy S7 Commercial - Dreams

Samsung Galaxy S7 Commercial – Dreams

Samsung Mobile USA launched a new commercial for promoting the Galaxy S7, called Dreams.
The narrator says: “People love to dream. Because dreams are awesome. We dream at night and we dream during the day. When we are young, we dream about we want to be when we grow old and when we grow older, we dream about being young again. And dreams you can fly. And if you can’t, you’ll probably run to someone who can. And dreams you can go anywhere. Like a distant land overrun by dinosaurs who sound like your good friend Carl. Even if these dreams become nightmares where all your teeth fall out and suddenly you’re in school, it’s only a dream and your crush loves you anyway. Which is much better than being stuck on a bus with this guy.
So if you could experience anything in a dream just by putting the phone on your face, why wouldn’t you get that phone?The new virtual reality powered Galaxy S7 Edge”.

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