Title: Gucci Cruise 2017 – Bengal Duffle Bag
HP: “The GG duffle bag featuring brushstroke-style graphics and tigers amongst the colorful forest of the Gucci Bengal print from the Cruise 2017 collection”.
Song: The Undertones – My Perfect Cousin
Now I’ve got a cousin called Kevin
He’s sure to go to heaven
Always spotless clean and neat
The smoothest you can get them
He’s got a fur lined sheepskin jacket
My ma said they cost a packet
She won’t even let me explain
That me and Kevin were just not the same
Oh my perfect cousin
What I like to do he doesn’t
He’s his family’s private joy
His mothers little golden boy
He’s gotta a grade in economics
Maths, physics and bionics
He thinks that I’m a cabbage
’cause I hate university challenge
Even at the age of ten
Smart boy Kevin was a smart boy then
He always beat me at Subbuteo
’cause he flicked the kick
And I didn’t know
Oh my perfect cousin