Title: Man, I Miss The Summer – Suli Breaks x NCS
Man I miss the summer.
Coz’ it was during the summer where we shed the skins of our school uniforms for tracksuits, shorts and opportunity.
Life’s a series of transactions and it was during the summer where I deposited my childhood and withdrew my adolescence.
It’s where we learned the lessons they were too afraid to teach us in the classroom.
Found the answers that didn’t fit in powerpoint presentations or on the drawing board.
Coz’ when the summer came. 3:30 didn’t signify the end of the day.
The day started with the first opportunity and ended with the last adventure.
It’s where we got to make new friends and got to remember the old ones.
The ones who’s parents had decided to send them to different schools but during the summer we all shared the same classroom.
Man I miss the summer. Coz’ for six weeks, it would hold me and not let me go.
From the ages 15 to 18, the summer was my best friend. At times we were so close that we made the winter jealous.
But I guess.. All friendships are not meant to last.
But all friendships are meant to be appreciated.
You betray the summer if you don’t take full advantage of it.
So when the summer holds out it’s hand, make sure you grip it firmly. Coz’ you never know where it may be leading you to and I guess that’s the beauty of it.
Coz’ life, can change in moments. In seconds. And in one summer.