Title: Dear Seniors
HP: “#DearSeniors, you may take off your jersey for the last time, but you will always wear what you’ve learned here”.
Dear seniors, many of you will never put jersey again. Never walk out onto the field, look up in the stands and feel a whole town behind you.
I know it hurts, football does, but where else in life do you get knocked down on every play and have to make the choice to get back up through injury, adversity, even family tragedy, you always made that choice.
You never let your brother’s down. For me that’s the definition of character and character is all the man has in life.
Football taught me this, and I see it in each of you.
When you hand in your jerseys, your life as part of this team is not over. It’s only beginning.
Because you will never hand in the lessons you’ve learned to respect you’ve earned and the family you’ve created. You aware that for life.
Love, coach.