SEAT Christmas Advert – Boy and Girl Communicating in Morse Code

SEAT Christmas Commercial Girl - The Code

SEAT has released a heartwarming commercial for this holiday season, highlighting that, together, great things happen.

The 2-minute film, titled “The Code” and described as “a story that celebrates togetherness and true friendship,” features a young girl and a young boy who become best friends and learn together the Morse code. This is how they communicate every night, in the dark, with their lanterns, until one day, when the boy and his parents move. The day her friend goes to the airport for his flight away, she talks to people in her neighborhood to arrange a surprise for him. Thus, the moment the boy is on the plane, passing above the city and their neighborhood, he sees the wishing “Happy Holidays” transmitted to him in Morse code. The two friends are then shown whispering “Happy holidays”.

The commercial, scored by a catchy tune, ends with onscreen lines “Together, great things can happen” and “Happy holidays from Barcelona”.

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