HTC has challenged top British Ice Skater Danielle Harrison to capture an extreme selfie using the HTC U11+
whilst on the ice at London’s Winterville ice rink and she did it.
Her performance and her selfie are shown in a 30-second ad dubbed “Danielle Harrison’s Ice Skating Selfie” and
soundtracked by RedNight’s “Smou7ate”, from the 1996 album “Melallix Relax”.
She is not the first athlete to take epic selfies with the “squeeze-able” smartphone. Olympic diver Tom Daley
took on this challenge, as well, earlier this year.
According to the Taiwanese manufacturer, HTC U11 brings you new Edge Sense for more intuitive interactions, 3D liquid glass surface, one of the top DxOMarks for a smartphone camera, USonic audio, water resistance and more.
HTC’s flagship smartphone of 2017 is available for purchase for $649.