The Bold Type is an upcoming Freeform original comedy series about the lives of women working for the global women’s magazine “Scarlet”.
Created by Sarah Watson, the new TV show revolves around Kat, Jane and Sutton, co-workers at “Scarlet” magazine in New York City and best friends, as they explore their identity, sexuality, love and fashion. Kat, portrayed by Aisha Dee, is the recently promoted social media manager, Jane, portrayed by Katie Stevens, is a newly promoted writer, and Sutton, portrayed by Meghann Fahy, is an assistant.
The trailer, carrying the message “Every threesome has issues”, features the three friends navigating their personal and professional lives with humor and turning to each other whenever they need a piece of advice, serious help, or just to have fun.
The song playing in the background is “Put Your Hands Up (Bad Girl)” by Photronique.
The series, starring also Melora Hardin, Sam Page, Matt Ward and Nikohl Boosheri, is slated for a special two-hour premiere this summer, on July 11.