Title: It’s Not Over
HP: “I think we need to believe in a leader like Bernie Sanders. People are dying. This is real. We need a president that will talk about it. Bernie is a protester. He’s not scared to go up against the criminal justice system. He is not scared.” – Erica Garner
This is everything that I have. My family.
Alyssa, she’s six years old.
Recent she just learned about Rosa Parks.
She asked me did Rosa Parks not give up her seat for a white man and I said yes and I ha to explain to her that it’s not really over.
This is what mommy is, I’m an activist and same thing Martin Luther King was, he fought for our rights, that’s the same thing I’m doing in honor of her Pop-pop.
My dad’s name is Eric Garner. I was able to see my dad die on national TV.
That don’t know what they took from us.
I’m just trying to get the truth out there.
He was being a loving, caring man that he was and he was murdered.
For a whole year, I’ve protested. I feel like a representative because I’m doing this, I’m speaking out.
Me being his daughter, I’m never giving up. I’m never gonna forget what happened to my dad.
Our people died for this. Martin Luther King died for this.
I’m behind anyone who’s gonna listen and speak up for us.
And I think we need to believe in a leader like Bernie Sanders.
– It is not acceptable to me, that we have seen young black men be beaten and be killed unjustly.
– I can’t breathe.
People are dying. This is real, this is not TV.
We need a president that’s gonna talk about it.
– I want to see an America, where when youn black men walk down the street, they will not be harassed by police officers,
they will not be killed, they will not be shot.
– That’s why I’m for Bernie.
– I’m Bernie Sanders and I approve this message.