Visa Cutting a New Path Commercial Song – Feat. Barber on the Move

Visa Barber Commercial

Visa showcases its mobile payment technology in a new ad, released with the #WhereYouWantToBe hashtag.

The spot features a barber who’s on the move during the day, “serving” his clients where they want – at their office, at their home, somewhere out in the city, and more.

Throughout the video various ways in which people choose to pay him. Some of them are paying with their contactless Visa cards, others using their mobile phones and one, who’s getting a haircut on the bascketball court, enrolled his Visa card in Apple Pay and is paying with his watch.

“Cutting a new path. Where would you like to be?” the voiceover asks at the end of the commercial, which is scored by “Biz Markie” by Biz Markie & Top Shelf 1988.

According to Visa, “more people and more merchants will feel more comfortable to use mobile, whether it’s those NFC chips in your phones that let you hold your phone up to a scanner at a store or via transaction apps” and that, by 2020, mobile payments could become the preferred method of both consumers and merchants.

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