Ariel Commercial – Share the Load

Ariel India Commercial - Share the Load

Ariel India Commercial – Share the Load

In the #SharetheLoad campaign, Ariel India, P&G and BBDO Worldwide show how stereotypes hurt all of us and are passed from generation to generation, but also how fathers and husbands can make small things (like doing laundry) to create more equal homes.
The ad shows a young woman coming home after work. Her son, her husband and her father, who is visiting, are already home. The child is playing, her husband is watching TV and her dad stays at the table.
The moment she enters, she starts working again. First, she asks her son if he finished his homework, then she hands over to her dad a flight ticket, puts the groceries in the kitchen, prepares a tea for her husband, collects toys from the room, changes her son’s dirty T-shirt and puts it the washing machine and in the meantime speaks on the phone with someone about work.
Her father realizes that he set a wrong example in his family and decides to write a letter to his daughter, that she could read after his return home, to his wife.
“My little baby girl,
You’re all grown up now. You used to play house. And now you manage your own house. And your office. I’m so proud. And I’m so sorry. Sorry that you have to do all this alone. Sorry that I never stopped you while you were playing house. I’ve never told you it’s not your job alone…but your husband’s too. But how could I say it…when I never helped your mom either. And what you saw, you learnt. Your husband must have learnt the same from his dad. While playing house, he would have pretended to watch TV, while you would have pretended to make tea. Sorry on behalf of his dad. Sorry on behalf of every dad who set the wrong example. But it’s not too late… I will make a conscious effort to help your mom with the household chores. I may not become the king of the kitchen, but at least I can help out with the laundry. All these years I’ve been wrong. It’s time to set things right.
Why is laundry only a mother’s job?
Dads #SharetheLoad

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