McCoy’s TV Advert 2016 – When Flavour Calls for Thomas

McCoy's TV Advert 2016

McCoy’s TV Advert 2016

The latest commercial launched by McCoy’s starts with a man opening a pack of McCoy’s in the office. In the same moment, a landline golden phone from his desk rings, so he answers.
– Hello.
– Thomas, it’s flavour calling, says a male voice.
– It’s Tom. Who is this?
– You know exactly who this is, Thomas. You sounded the fall corn of flavour the moment you opened those McCoy’s salt & malt & vinegar crisps.
– I did?
– Don’t look at Colin. He can’t help you now. Where we are going, we don’t need Colins.
– Where we’re going?
– Don’t you see, Thomas? That’s not a packet of crisps, that’s a way of life. You bought a one-way ticket to my town. Flavour town.
No beige, only brilliant. And now you’re standing at the principles, Thomas. It’s time to act.
– Oh, dig deep.
– Deeper.
– Dig for gold, Thomas, dig. And now eat the gold.
Thomas eats a crip.
– How does it feel to eat gold, Thomas?
– Oooohhhh, he mumbles ecstatic.
– Oh, yes.
The ad ends with the same golden McCoy’s phone ringing.

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