Title: Mango True Romance SS16
HP: “Introducing our new #TrueRomance fashion film, starring Steffy Argelich and Mathilde Brandi”.
Song: SBTRKT – Wildfire
I could bet all the riches that I ever had
Rushing the night like a shark, babe
Would it be bad
If I had to set the alarm
‘Cause those thrills that run up my back
You are my star
Nothing else can lead me off track
Hey, yeah
You’re like a wildfire
Got me rising high
You’re innocence, who’s brave?
Drowning in, would you save me?
It’s a crime if you don’t,
You’ll despair, by the throat
I could bet all the riches that I ever had
Rushing the night like a shark babe
Would it be bad
Hey, yeah
You’re like a wildfire
Got me rising high
You’re innocence, who’s brave?
Drowning in, would you save me?
It’s a crime if you don’t
You’ll despair, by the throat
You’re innocence, who’s brave?
Drowning in, would you save me?
It’s a crime if you don’t
You’ll despair, by the throat