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Asda Rollback Dance Peter Andre & Laura Fulgenzi Advert

ASDA continues its “Rollback is Back” ad campaign with a new advert, featuring Peter Andre and TikTok creator Laura Fulgenzi performing what they call the “Rollback dance.”

In the ad, Peter Andre and Laura Fulgenzi, dressed in ASDA work gear, dance down an aisle in an ASDA supermarket, joined by a group of ASDA employees moving in perfect sync. The routine includes the brand’s signature Pocket Tap move, which wraps up the dance.

However, as the scene fades, it’s revealed that the entire performance was just Peter Andre’s imagination. He snaps back to reality, realizing he’s standing alone next to his shopping cart, still doing the Pocket Tap, looking slightly bewildered.

To engage fans, ASDA has also launched a dance challenge, giving participants the chance to win five £100 ASDA vouchers each week. To enter, they must film themselves performing the Rollback dance, share the video on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, tag @asda, use #ASDARollbackDance, and tag their dance crew.

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