Commercial Song

VW ID.3 AR Head-Up Display Commercial – Feat. Man Drawing Heart for Wife

VW has released a new ad for its ID.3 all-electric family hatchback. This time, the spot focuses on the augmented reality head-up display, part of the optional interior package, which projects important information, such as your current speed or important road signs, onto the windscreen directly into your field of vision.

The spot features a man waiting in the passenger’s seat of an ID.3 for the driver to return. At some point, he comes up with the idea of drawing something on the windscreen, apparently. As the video ends, it turns out he drew a heart for his wife, so that she could see it right after getting back in the car, behind the steering wheel.

“Always see what’s most important” an onscreen line reads at the end of the commercial, introducing the AR Head-Up Display as an optional feature.

With the standard navigation system, the augmented reality technology also enables you to see virtual direction arrows on the road surface, and also shows new symbols such as roundabouts, the distance to your destination and also the battery’s charge level.

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