Wood Milk Aubrey Plaza Commercial

Wood Milk Aubrey Plaza Commercial - Milk Mustache

Big Milk has released a new Got Milk?-style ad starring Aubrey Plaza.

The spot, created by the Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), features the White Lotus actress introducing herself as the founder of a new brand, called Wood Milk. Clad in a farmer-chic flannel and soothing earth tones, she takes a stroll through a forest, talking about how they make milk out of trees. She is even shown taking a sip of grayish sludge and smiling through a pulpy milk mustache.

At the end of the commercial, she explains that wood milk is not real and “only real milk is real”.

The ad has gotten backlash from Plaza’s followers, who named her a “dairy propagandist” and criticized her for partnering with Big Milk. At some point, the actress turned off comments on her sponsored Instagram post.

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