Oatly has launched a new ad campaign in Europe that aims to encourage people to swap the childhood staple of cow’s milk for plant-based alternatives.
The EU School Scheme favors milk products before plant-based drinks but the European Commission is discussing about including plant-based as as one of the ways to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The European Union has opened a public consultation, and ProVeg host a petition that people could sign to give children the right to choose plant-based.
The commercial, titled “Normalize It”, features children at schools trading oat drink cartons. The “dealer”, a girl who always carries a large backpack filled with Oatly milk, is noticed at some point and becomes the “target” of security guards, who chase her.
“Should kids have to take it into their own hands?” an onscreen line reads at the end of the commercial.
The soundtrack is Curtis Mayfield’s “Pusherman“, from his 1972 album “Super Fly”.
Original Oatly Oat Milk is available for purchase at various retailers, in stores and online.