Noom Weight Fog Eating Commercial Song – The Clean Plate Club

Noom Weight Fog Eating Commercial - The Clean Plate Club

Noom app is promoted in a series of new ads, aimed at raising awareness about the eating habits that could be impacting people’s weight loss journey.

One of the spots focuses on the fog eating, which is when you are consuming a snack or meal without being fully present, and features a woman munching chips while watching TV. One night, before bed, as she uses the Noom app, she learns that her brain is wired to eat more when she’s staring at a screen.

The voiceover declares that Noom Weight uses psychology to help you understand your habits, change them, and realize that, when it comes to losing weight, it’s psychological.

The song used in the ad is “Where Is My Mind?” by American alternative rock band Pixies, from their 1988 debut album, “Surfer Rosa”.

According to Noom, its psychological approach to weight loss helps you break the cycle of deeply ingrained habits and replace them with healthy, lasting change because when you learn the “why” behind your relationship with food, it’s easier to make changes and lose the weight for good.

Noom is a weight loss app that offers calorie counting, activity tracking, group support, personal coaching, as well as a diabetes prevention program that is fully recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Instead of focusing on quick weight loss, the app aims to teach users new skills and help them build healthy habits.

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