Stella Artois Lenny Kravitz Heartbeat Billionaire Commercial Song

Stella Artois Lenny Kravitz Heartbeat Billionaire Commercial

Stella Artois and Lenny Kravitz aim to inspire people to invest in every moment that life has to offer in the brand’s latest campaign, “Invest Your Heartbeats”.

The musician stars in a new commercial for the beer brand, titled “Heartbeat Billionaire,” which encourages viewers to spend their time on things that matter most, like with loved ones, with Stella in hand. “We’re all born with 2.5 billion heartbeats. That makes you a billionaire. So let’s not waste the fortune within us. Invest it. Invest in each other. And the moments we share. Because you’re rich in life when you’re heartbeat billionaire. Invest your heartbeats in The Life Artois,” Kravitz says in voiceover in the 30-second ad, which is partially animated.

The soundtrack music is his single “It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over”.

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