Tesco Mobile TV Advert Song – Bless the Telephone

Tesco Mobile TV Advert

Tesco Mobile has released a new advert aimed at highlighting that “Phones aren’t just phones anymore, they’re right at the heart of everyone’s daily life” and promoting its services, which include capped contracts that allow customers to control their bill, family perks, including monthly rewards, and Anytime Upgrade Flex, which are flexible tariffs that customers can change down or up whenever they like.

The 30-second spot, created by agency The Community and titled “Mobile Life”, features several persons of different ages and backgrounds using their phones in various ways throughout the day. A man doing his morning run before the crack of dawn uses it to keep track of time and progress, a woman on the tube, on her way to work, uses her phone to apply mascara, a busy mother of three uses it to talk to her husband, a father and his son use to have fun with Snapchat filters, a guy checks his texts behind his girlfriend’s back, while hugging her, and a group of students sharing a room fall asleep with their phones on the pillow.

“Your phone is more than just your phone. It’s kind of your life. At Tesco Mobile, we want to make your life a little better. With capped contracts putting you in control of your bill, monthly rewards for all your family, and tariffs that can change when your needs do,” the voiceover says, adding the tagline “Tesco Mobile – Every little helps”.

Serving as the perfect soundtrack is the 1971 song “Bless The Telephone” written and recorded by Labi Siffre and included on his second album, “The Singer and the Song”.

The advert is part of an integrated campaign that also includes cinema, print, OOH, and digital.

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