HBO’s original series High Maintenance returns in 2018 with its second season. The TV channel has released the official trailer, giving viewers a glimpse into the upcoming episodes of the pot comedy.
Based on the web series created by Katja Blichfeld and Ben Sinclair, High Maintenance stars Ben Sinclair as “The Guy”, a bike-riding weed-delivery salesman in New York City, whose client base includes an eclectic variety of characters, whose daily routines are shown, revealing, at the same time, their reasons for using marijuana and the ways they’re using it.
The trailer features scenes from everyday life of the Guy’s clients, who experience a range of emotions. One of them reveals he’s “terrified to even go outside”, another one asks himself what’s going on and why it’s happening to him, another one, talking about smoking weed together, compares it to a “joint effort”, “like everybody assembles”, a woman asking a group of new friends if they smoke weed is answered “Well, that depends. Is it koscher?” (“koscher” is the Hebrew word for “fit” or “appropriate” and describes the food that is suitable for a Jew to eat). Another scene, which is quite hilarious, features a taxi driver telling The Guy “You got to treat yourself, dude. The world is crazy.”, referring to pot.
The song used in the trailer is “Disco Dancing” by Canadian artist Sean Nicholas Savage, from his 2010 album, “Mutual Feelings of Respect and Admiration”.
The new season of High Maintenance, consisting of 10 episodes, is set to premiere on January 19, at 11pm.