Coors Light Van Damme TV Advert – Ice Cave Rave

Jean-Claude Van Damme - Coors Light

Jean-Claude Van Damme – Coors Light

Coors Light UK invites you to watch its latest advert, in which Jean-Claude Van Damme travels in search of the infamous Ice Cave Rave.

The 30-second spot features the 56-year-old Belgian actor and martial artist in a new quest for the cold place called the Ice Cave, travelling across the Rockies. Clad in his iconic double denim outfit, consisting of a sleeveless denim jacket, and a pair of jeans, and sporting his leather black loafers, which is, obviously, proper gear for snowy mountain trips, Van Damme is helped by three huskies, that pull him through the ice and snow making his journey easier. When he finally gets at the Ice Cave Rave, he has a Coors Light and decrees “it was so cold, but nothing compares to the ice-cold refreshment of a Coors Light”.

The advert ends with the voiceover saying the brand’s tagline, “Coors Light, The World’s Most Refreshing Beer”.

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