Title: Introducing Swim 2017
HP: “8 girls. 150+ styles. 1 season-defining Swim shoot. #DontWaitForSpringBreak”.
Hollister California Swim 2017
8 girls
154 swim styles
1 awesome shoot
Cast: Louise, Erin, Larsen, Alisha, Baskin, Danielle, Daniela & Isabella.
Swim 2017 Hollister’s – Get You Covered
Commercial Song: Pnau – Chameleon
Alright, let go, before I get gold, gold, gold
Chameleon, keeps me a bit gold
Come on, chameleon
The pyramid tells me I said so
Chameleon, keeps me a bit gold
Oh, oh, chameleon
We could rock away
Leading, walk away
Do you understand?
Do you know what I say?
Come through the flicker of the sun with me
Hanging out, come to the center of the sun with me
Saying We could rock with our rhythm wise”
We could rock with our rhythm wise
We could rock with our rhythm wise
We could rock
Footsteps knocking to make sure
Knocking, knocking, knocking banging loud
Footsteps knocking to make sure
Knocking, knocking, knocking on the floor
Alright, let go, before I get gold, gold, gold
Chameleon, keeps me a bit gold
Come on, chameleon