Starbucks Commercial Song 2017 – A Year of Good

Starbucks Commercial 2017

Starbucks Commercial 2017

As 2016 ended and the new year began, many companies presented an assessment of their activity. Starbucks is among these companies, with a 60-second commercial featuring its accomplishments.

The spot, titled “A Year of Good”, highlights that “there is a lot of good happening out there” thanks to the brand’s customers, who are praised for their support.

“We drank a lot of coffee last year. 671,396,071 to be exact. And drank 347,394,871 cups of tea. It may seem like just a cup of coffee, but it added up to a lot of good. You helped hire over 8,000 veterans. You helped send 6,535 baristas to college and 229 others graduated. You helped give 10,000 young people jobs” – reveals the famous brand, featuring at this point a young girl who shares her experience: “They (Starbucks) gave me the opportunity to support myself from being on the streets”.

“You helped donate 22 million trees. You helped support 301,506 ethically sourced farms. You started a 1,468 Pay It Forward Streak.

We stood together during though times and happier ones. All thanks to you. Because that’s your name right next to ours”, continues the ad, ending then with the advice “be good to each other”.

The track used in the commercial is “Stay With Me” by Lynk Team.

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