Amazon Prime Commercial Song 2017 – Street Musician

Amazon Prime Commercial 2017 - Street Musician

Amazon Prime Commercial 2017 – Street Musician

2017 starts with a new Amazon Prime commercial, as well. After the ad with a priest and an immam sharing the same problem in the spotlight and the Midnight Delivery on Christmas Eve campaign, this time, in the spotlight there is a street musician and his four-legged friend.

The 30-second spot features the artist performing songs at the guitar, next to his small white dog, on an alleyway, rain or shine, who doesn’t have the success he hoped for. A girl selling stuff at a trailer placed nearby decides to help him and orders from Amazon Prime, that provides free two-day shipping on millions of items, a larger hat for the guy to collect money and a pirate costume for the dog. Her idea proves to be amazing, as starting the next day people start giving more money seeing both the cute scamp and the large hat.

The spot ends with Amazon Prime’s logo and the onscreen line “Free 30-day trial”.

The song used in the ad is “Tea For The Tillermann” by Cat Stevens.

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