Title: Dove – Beauty on your own terms
HP: “Somewhere along the way, it has become the norm to judge women based on their appearance and use their beauty against them. With the #MyBeautyMySay campaign we feature stories of amazing women who stood up for their own beauty”.
They said I was too pretty to fight. Aw she can’t fight.
You’re going to mess up that beautiful face.
They said I was too fat. Only skinny girls can dress well.
They look at me head to toe. How can she be a lawyer?
They said I didn’t dress for my age.
They said my nose was too prominent.
They said I was too masculine.
They tought the cat calling was a compliment.
He said you can fix those teeth quite easily.
Boyish and ugly.
When they were talking about female, they weren’t talking about me.
This was not pretty.
They would holler from across the street. Look sophisticated. Embarassing nose.
Too chubby. Just to skinny. Crazy hair. Never look good. Too wild. Too cute. Too beautiful.
He said. They said. She said. I said No way!
You aren’t me. I’m me.
I’m not going to be defined by anyone’s expectations.
I don’t dress my age.
I dres myself the way I am ’cause my face has nothing to do with my boxing.
I’m ranked No. 1 in the country and No. 2 in the world.
As a fashion blogger, my style is 100% unapologetic.
I don’t wanna change my teeth.
My looks have nothing to do with my capabilities.
This is me, this is my hair.
My beauty. My beauty. My beauty. my say.