Commercial Song

eBay Christmas Advert Song 2016 – Survive The Disco

eBay Christmas Advert

eBay Christmas Advert

eBay has launched the holiday ad campaign, featuring, among others, the Christmas shop, where you can find everything you need to survive the Christmas disco.

The 40-second spot showcases a Magic Eight-Ball for the indecisive Romeo, new kitty socks for the girl having an identity crisis, heart locks for love that will last to the end of time, the new LG smartphone for the queen B who’s got like a baijilion followers, after-shave for the gamer who wants to get more, new headphones for the dance legend who doesn’t care about what those around her think.

The advert ends with the voiceover saying “eBay – the ultimate Survive the Disco Christmas Shop”.

The track playing in the background is “She’s Got Me Dancing” by Tommy Sparks.

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