Volkswagen BUDD-e Commercial 2016 – A trip into the future

Volkswagen BUDD-e Commercial 2016

Volkswagen BUDD-e Commercial 2016

Volkswagen introduces the full electric BUDD-e in a 60-second commercial, highlighting that its innovative features will make everyday life easier.
The spot stars two young boys dressed in space suits, touching a display that proves to be on a BUDD-e, when their mother, connecting herself to the same display, informs them that dinner is ready.
Upon getting down the car, the kids leave the trace of their feet on the ground, in order to showcase the German automotive manufacturing company’s idea that “to some, entering the Volkswagen concept car BUDD-e might feel like setting foot on the moon”.
The commercial ends with the onscreen lines “Invented for the drivers of tomorrow. The full electric BUDD-e. Find out more at the Mondial de l’Automobile 2016 Paris”.

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