Adidas Barricade Mustachio Commercial 2016

Adidas Barricade Commercial 2016 - Mustachio Men's Shoe

Adidas Barricade Commercial 2016 – Mustachio Men’s Shoe

Tennis Warehouse has released a new commercial, featuring the limited edition Barricade 2016 and celebrating “Movember”, the time of the year men let their mustache grow to help raise awareness for men’s health.

The 30-second spot stars a mustached Mustachio tennis star, who makes his reputation in this very special version of adidas’ premier tennis shoe.
The voiceover describes him by saying as follows: “On the road to tennis greatness, some take the path less travelled. He’d rather drive. He’s a man of distinction and has discerning taste. He uses few words because he’s all about the action. He’s envied by men, desired by women, but he knows what really sets him apart: it’s the shoes that truly make the man. Impeccable style and a reputation second to none. Game, set, Mustachio”.

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