Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV is a 2016 Japanese computer-animated science fantasy film, based on the setting and story of the 2016 video game Final Fantasy XV.
Directed by Takeshi Nozue, the movie takes place in parallel to the events of Final Fantasy XV, focusing on events surrounding Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, the father of main character Noctis. Kingsglaive is an elite guard sharing Regis’ magical powers that defend the kingdom of Lucis and its crystal from the invading Niflheim empire.
Sony has released the official trailer, announcing that the movie will be available on Digital on August 30, and on Blu-ray on October 4.
The soundtrack, composed by John R. Graham and Yoko Shimomura, is set for release as a 2-CD album on September 7.