Indignation is an upcoming American drama film, set in 1950s Ohio, following a Jewish college student that falls for the first girl who shows him attention at college.
Adapted from Philip Roth’s 2008 novel of the same name, the film addresses topics such as Judaism, atheism, sexual repression and older forms of American folk music.
The protagonist, Marcus Messner, leaves his hometown to study law at Winesburg College, a prestigious and Catholic institution in central Ohio. It is there where he discovers, “thanks” to Olivia Hutton and Dean Caudwell, how different he is and how little of the world he actually knows.
The leading roles are played by Logan Lerman, Sarah Gadon and Tracy Letts. Written and directed by James Schamus, Indignation is scheduled to be released in US this summer, on
July 29.
Soundtrack by Jay Wadley.