Gatorade Commercial – Serena Williams
The latest commercial for Gatorate, “Fuel The Love Forward”, features Serena Williams telling the story about how she became a teniswoman, and also about how she gets to help others.
“When I was a little girl, my parents wanted me to play tennis. I don’t remember the beginning. I just remember always playing. All the time. Like breathing. It was always there. Maybe I was 3 when my daddy handed me a racket, full-regulation size, and he said: Just look at the ball, Serena, just swing. When I was 11, I knew I wanted to help others. And now, in partnership with Gatorade, I get to do all sorts of things for kids, one of which is building tennis courts. You can do things you might not think possible. Don’t let anyone stop you. The trying is why we are here. My greatest moment hasn’t happened yet. Help Fuel the Love Forward”.