Title: Stephen Curry – Master a Faster Way to Send Money
HP: “See how Stephen Curry never slows down with the Chase Mobile app. Soon you can send money to more people in less – even friends at a growing number of other banks”.
Assistant Trainer: Hey guys, lunch is here!
Stephen Curry: It’s on me fellas.
VO: With the Chase Mobile app, Stephen Curry can pay almost anyone with just a tap.
Assistant Trainer: Thanks, Steph!
Stephen Curry: No problem.
VO: Easy to use Chase technolgy for whatever you’re trying to master.
Stephen Curry: Ya’ll ready to go? Come on fellas let’s go!
VO: And comng soon you’ll be able to send money to more people in less time – even friends at other banks.
And new users will be able to enroll right in the app.
Master a faster way to send money with Chase QuickPay inside the Chase Mobile app.