Title – Android: Pay Your Way
HP: “Android Pay has arrived in the UK. You can use it in any shop that accepts contactless payments, and in a growing number of apps”.
Song: Courtney Barnett – Pickles from the Jar
I say dance, you say dance
I say France, you say France
You’re from Adelaide, I’m from Hobart
I say Hugh, you say Grant
I say pot, you say blunt
You’re from Adelaide, I’m from Hobart
I am dumb, you are smart
We are fifteen years apart
You’re from Adelaide, I’m from Mars
I say ooh, you say ahh
I am careful, you like scars
I like pickles from the jar
We couldn’t be more contrary if we tried
Oh, chalk and cheese, we rarely see eye to eye
I say you, you say am I
You like mornings, I like nights
I love you till the day I die
You say Christopher, I say Walken
You love, I love Christopher Walken
I guess at least we have got one thing on common