Vodafone Ad Song 2016 – Vodafone 30 Day Network Guarantee

Vodafone TV Ad 2016

Vodafone TV Ad 2016

Title: Vodafone 30 Day Network Guarantee

HP: “We have our best ever network that you can test for 30 days and if it’s not for you, just walk away”.

Song: Sam and the Womp – Bom Bom


I’m the cat with the bass and drum
Going ’round like bom-bom-bom

I’m the cat with the bass and drum
Going ’round like bom-bom-bom
What’s grooving? I’m moving
I like your style of womping
How charming! Just a rapper
Load him up and eat that snapper
I want 16 pints of rum and then I go bom, bom
Glowing up in the dark of the night
And so I go ooh, ah-ah-ah-ah, I
I’ve brought a pie in my pocket
Pie in my pocket, an eye in my socket
No got life, no got style
No got nothing on my mind
But I’m so cool and I’m so groovy
When I go bom-bom-bom

You ’round like bom-bom-bom

I’m so cool and I’m so groovy
When I go bom-bom-bom

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