Title: Nike Basketball – The Conductor
Hp: Depending on who you ask, Kobe Bryant was basketball’s greatest hero or its greatest villain. As he walks off the court for the last time, opponents and fans tell him how they really feel”.
Kobe, you suck!
You suck, Kobe!
Kobe sucks! Koke sucks!
Hang it up, Kobe!
Kobe sucks! Koke sucks!
I’ve been hating you..
… Too long…
… To stop now…
You’re retiring…
And you want to be free
My hate was growing stronger..
As you became a habit to me, me
Don’t make me stpo now
I hate..
Well, I hate you, with all my heart!
I.. I hate you. I hate you..
Don’t make me! Don’t make me..
Don’t make me so mad
Always Love The Hate