Mr Kipling TV Advert 2016 – Exceedingly Good Distraction

Mr Kipling TV Advert 2016

Mr Kipling TV Advert 2016

The latest TV ad published by Premier Food shows how Mr. Kipling French Fancies are a good distraction, especially when needed.
The 29-second video starts with a young couple displaying various photos from their honeymoon to their family members, children included. The woman uses a tablet connected to the TV screen so that everybody could see the snapshots taken in Brasil.
“These are the beautiful waterfalls in Brasil”, the couple explains delightfully.
“That’s that beach we found. It was incredible”, they say.
“And this is….”.
At this point, some embarrassing image gets on the screen and the couple is obviously panicked.
“Uhm, no, just don’t look. This is a wrong file”, says the woman.
Her husband tries to distract the attention from the screen by serving the family members with Mr. Kipling French Fancies, which proves to be a great idea because all those present there are happy to take one and don’t look at the screen anymore.
When his wife gets to the next picture, with monkeys, no one pays attention, as they are still enjoying the goodies.
Mr. Kipling. An exceedingly good distraction.

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