AT&T Commercial – AdWorks
Title – AT&T AdWorks: The Point of More Return
HP: “Tired of the right product reaching the wrong consumer? With AT&T AdWorks you spend on only your target audience, with the largest national-addressable ad platform in the business”.
We’ll then convert your traditional IRA to Roth, take your pretax assets and roll over funds to a tax deferred account.
Come on guys it’s common sense!
Indestrucible Kevlar composite shell!
Full protection half the weight. Come on Natasha let’s lace em’ up.
Zero to sixty in under three seconds.
Five-point-two liter super charged aluminum V-10 engine.
That’s six hundred and fifty horses Gladys! “Hashtag” let’s do this! Boo-Yah!
Announcer: Tired of the right product reaching the wrong consumer, then start spending your advertising dollars on your target and only your target with the largest national addressable advertising platorm in the business only from AT&T AdWorks, the point of more return.
Oh I love this tune! Dude this has got surround sound.
You can crank it all the way up, it’s like you’re in the concert, man. Front row!