Title: Stella Artois Be Legacy – The History of Sebastian Artois
The latest Stella Artois UK advert tells the true story of Sebastian Artois, the founder of Artois Brewery, who gave his name to it in 1717.
The 30-second clip shows several scenes filmed in a 1700 specific background. A man who introduces himself as Sebastian Artois tells how he managed to have the brewery.
“I am Sebastian Artois. Brewery master, risk taken”, he starts.
The young man is shown reflecting in his room, watching himself in the mirror and having his ego saying: “Wake up, Sebastian”.
“I sold everything I had to own a brewery. You might have heard its name”, he continues the story, while the clip shows him putting up many of his valuable objects for sale.
So, what do you want to do, number 4? is his question at the end.
Song: Jamie N Commons – Do It Till We Get It Right