HP: “There are 757 million people who cannot read a single sentence. The consequences of illiteracy go far beyond not being able to read a book – it fuels some of the world’s biggest problems”.
HT: #ProjectLiteracy
Song by Malory Torr.
A is for AIDS, you know (AIDS)
B is for blood that flows (Bloodshed)
C is is every girl a child bride (Child bride)
D is another dose (Drug Dose)
E is Ebola close (Ebola)
F FGM a child dies (Female Genital Mutilation)
G girls are pushed behind (Gender Inequality)
H homeless rain (Homeless)
I hate to see those babies die (Infant Mortality)
J Jail your life’s destroyed (Jail)
K killed by little boys (Kalashnikov)
L lives we’ve lost before their time (Life Expectancy)
M (Malnutrition)
N (No Childhood)
O (Overdose)
P (Poverty)
I could go on all day
Q (Quitting School)
R (Radicalization)
S (STDs)
T (Trillion Dollars Lost)
Alphabetically speaking it’s not ok.
You feeling undermined (Undermined)
V leave your voice behind (Voiceless)
W when you’re only just alive (World Hunger)
X you’re forced into sex (X-rated)
Y why young lives are wrecked
Z see zero options cast aside
If we help everyone to read and write, we help solve the world’s biggest problems.
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#ProjectLiteracy – Rewriting lives