Title: Pub Citroën C4 Cactus – Le Patron
HP: “Rencontrer son patron dans un ascenseur peut être stressant. Sauf si l’on est très détendu grâce au confort et aux équipements de la Citroën conduite 1 heure avant”.
Song: Bosco Rogers – The Middle
I stay awake in the middle of a Paradise
You’re sleeping like a bird and it’s fine
My love is good enough
Believe me I’m the truth
When I dream in your arms
Oh, come, come, come on
You go away in the middle of this bloody night
I’m aching like a dog but it’s fine
My love was good enough
Believe me I’m the truth
When I cry all the day
Oh, come, come, come back
I stay awake in the middle of a Paradise
You’re sleeping like a bird and it’s fine
My love is good enough
Believe me I’m the truth
When I dream in your arms
Oh come come come on
You go away in the middle of this bloody night
I’m aching like a dog but it’s fine
My love was good enough
Believe me I’m the truth
When I cry all the day