DHL Commercial 2016

DHL Commercial 2016

DHL Commercial 2016

Title: DHL Partnerships – Great is in the Detail

HP: “At DHL, we know that Great is in the Detail when it comes to logistics. That’s a philosophy we share share with our partners: Whether it’s the fractions of a second that can decide a sporting event, or the tireless practice and dedication that goes into creative arts, the difference between good and great lies in the details”.


A Formula 1 car changes gear 50 times faster than you blink.
80.000 pimples give better grip.
The body can bend 270° the wrong way.
Over 675.000 stickes will go into this dress.
21.674 hours of practice will move an audience.
Battery power from a Formula-E race can light a bulb for 2 years.
0.4 seconds to score a penalty.
0.7 seconds is not fast enough.
A football crowd can hit 124 decibels.
We know great is in the detail.
DHL Official logistic Partner

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