Title – Beats By Dre X JJ Lin: Music The Way The Artist Intended
HP: Beats Presents JJ Lin on his experimental album From M.E. To Myself.
Artist: JJ Lin
Track: Twilight
Album: From M.E. To Myself
One year ago, I starte a brand new journey.
I wanted to create music unlike anything I’ve ever done before.
I recorded “From M.E. To Myself” as a way to connect with my fans.
I stepped out of the studio and into my own world.
I went to the woods by the beach, recorded with an orchestra in a concert hall and recorde in my own bedroom.
With beats, my journey becomes your journey.
You feel like you’re with my friends sitting by the bonfire and with me in the car.
You hear everything I herd and feel everything I felt.
Everything I did was to let you hear the voice that’s inside of me.
This is the music I want you to experience.
Music The Way The Artist Intended