Title: Das neue Sky Entertainment-Erlebnis
Song: Pharrell Williams – Freedom
Hold on to me
Don’t let me go
Who cares what they see
Who cares what they know?
Your first name is Free
Last name is Dom
Cause you still believe
In where we’re from
Man’s red flower
It’s in every living thing
Mind, use your power
Spirit, use your wings
Hold on to me
Don’t let me go
Cheetahs need to eat
Run, antelope
Your first name is King
Last name is Dom
Cause you still believe
In everyone
When a baby first breathes
When night sees sunrise
When the whale hops the sea
When man recognizes
We are from heat
The electric one
Does it shock you to see
He left us the sun?
Atoms in the air
Organisms in the sea
The sun and yes, man
Are made of the same things