Coca-Cola Commercial 2016 – Coke Mini – Hulk vs. Ant-Man

Coke Mini Commercial - Hulk vs. Ant-Man

Coke Mini Commercial – Hulk vs. Ant-Man

Title: Coke Mini – Hulk vs. Ant-Man

Msg: Sometimes You Just Want A Little Coca-Cola

HP: “Two thirsty heroes. Only one Coca-Cola Mini. Witness an epic chase between Marvel’s biggest and smallest Super Heroes: the Incredible Hulk and Astonishing Ant-Man. Despite their differences in size, Hulk and Ant-Man both know what it’s like to get thirsty. But when there’s just one #CokeMini left in the fridge, who will prevail?”.

HT: #CokeMini


Hey, Bruce! You don’t mind if I just take this last Coke, do ya?
Thanks! Bye!
Oh, you do mind.
Sorry! Kind of.
Hey! Mini can, coming through!
Dead end. Not awesome.
Wow, so angry
Oh you poor, sad Hulk. Hold on
You have the greenest eyes!

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