Commercial Song

Canzone pubblicità Volvo XC90 con Pilot Assist

Volvo XC90 con Pilot Assist

Volvo XC90 con Pilot Assist

Title: Volvo XC90 con Pilot Assist

HP: “Il Pilot Assist, disponibile sulla nuova ‎Volvo XC90, fino a 50 km/h assiste chi è alla guida nella gestione di volante, freno e acceleratore, mantenendo l’auto a distanza di sicurezza dall’auto che precede e seguendo l’andamento della carreggiata anche in curva”.

Song: Viola Martinsson – Made Of

You can try but never stop me
This is what I’m made of
I will never ever let go
This is what I’m made of

No one can control me
Cause this is what I’m made of
You can hit but never break me
This is what I’m made of

You can try but never stop me
Cause this is what I’m made of
I will never ever let go
Cause this is what I’m made of

No one can control me
Cause this is what I’m made of
You can hit but never break me
Cause this is what I’m made of

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